QubiC is an in-house developed FPGA based qubit control system developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) with the support of the US Department of Energy (DOE). The QubiC source code and gateware is released under a LBNL modified BSD license.
The current (2.0) version of QubiC is implemented on the Xilinx ZCU216 RFSoC evaluation board using the pynq interface. Below we include links to repos containing the gateware, software, and associated infrastructure, as well as documentation and getting started guides/examples.
Core Repositories
- qubic-software: core software tools for compiling and running QubiC programs, and conducting simple data analysis
- qubic-gateware: QubiC FPGA implementation and supporting synthesis scripts
- distributed-processor: FPGA gateware for the custom realtime processor, and associated QubiC compiler backend
- qubitconfig: configuration management for gate/pulse calibrations
Other Supporting Repositories
- chipcalibration: defines common experiments for qubit calibration and characterization
- Getting Started Guide: instructions for configuring the ZCU216 to run QubiC
- Understanding Channel Configuration: channel layout of the current gateware, and the gateware -> hardware channel mapping.
- software API Reference: QubiC software frontend
- QubiC-IR: QubiC programming reference and compiler tools
- demo notebooks for writing and running simple qubic programs
- tutorial our tutorial at QCE 2024 (2023 tutorial is also available on a separate branch)
Papers About QubiC
- Fruitwala et. al. Distributed Architecture for FPGA-based Superconducting Qubit Control.
- Brahmbhatt et. al. QubiCSV: An Open-Source Data Storage and Visualization Platform for Collaborative Qubit Control
- Xu et. al. QubiC 2.0: An Extensible Open-Source Qubit Control System Capable of Mid-Circuit Measurement and Feed-Forward
- Xu et. al. Radio frequency mixing modules for superconducting qubit room temperature control systems
- Xu et. al. QubiC: An Open-Source FPGA-Based Control and Measurement System for Superconducting Quantum Information Processors
Experimental Work Utilizing QubiC
- Rajagopala et. al. Hardware-Assisted Parameterized Circuit Execution
- Vora et. al. ML-Powered FPGA-based Real-Time Quantum State Discrimination Enabling Mid-circuit Measurements
- Fruitwala et. al. Hardware Efficient Randomized Compiling
- Hashim et. al. Efficient Generation of Multi-partite Entanglement between Non-local Superconducting Qubits using Classical Feedback
- Hashim et. al. Quasi-Probabilistic Readout Correction of Mid-Circuit Measurements for Adaptive Feedback via Measurement Randomized Compiling
- Xu et. al. Automatic Qubit Characterization and Gate Optimization with QubiC